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Fairy Penguins

Before you can help Little penguins, you have to understand their lives first.


Little penguins have key appearances to help them survive in the wild. To help them swim in the water to catch prey, they have blue waterproof feathers to hide from there predators in the waters, little skinny flippers to give them a boost in the waters, fat to trap heat to warm themselves up, and glands under their eyes to extract the salt water to clean water for their bodies to use. They can grow up to 33 cm and weight up to 1 kg when they turn into fully grown adults.


They mostly eat squid and fish such as Barracouta, Red Cod, Pilchard and Anchovy, and Fairy penguins also eat other little fish they can find.

Their lives:

Little penguins live near the coasts on Phillip Island and New Zealand. They live 70% of their lives at sea and the other 30% on land during Little penguin shedding season and hatching season. During sundown, they emerge from the sea as their predators are asleep. On land, they live near little burrows that act as shelter for them when it's cold. In their lifetime, they go onto shore mostly to hatch from their eggs, shed their old baby feathers, and for the female penguins to hatch their eggs.


Little penguins proper name is Eudyptula Minor, and this means good little diver which really fits them as they love to dive in the waters. They were once called Little penguins, as they are small.

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